My collection features floral and animal designs that look like painted. Now you might think that I have outstanding painting skills. Well, the truth is I can’t neither draw nor paint. When it comes to pencil and paint I’m a lost cause. MY tools are a Nikon D 80, a PC, Adobe Photoshop and digital […]
I’m happy to announce that part of my collection is available at Edu’s Coffee & Clothing in Biel. Yvan Ghazarian and Mark Fuhrer are the owners and they decided they wanted to sell the Secret Message Scarves in their beautiful shop. Since a friend of ours acted as a kind of go-between, we didn’t know […]
They sometimes sell these brilliant blue orchids at hardware stores. They’re obviously pigmented. I utterly dislike them, I think they look somewhat creepy. I had the same feeling when entering the tropical display at Botanical Garden of Basel University. Though at first my glasses were fogging. While cleaning them my myopic eyes were captured by […]
This is it! I’ve finally had enough of snow and winter. I’m offically starting Springtime NOW with a sale in my Etsy Shop. The Promotion will not be over till spring is here for good. According to weather forecasts this should be in about two weaks from now. If not the promotion continues! And this […]