
3. April 2013 | Please Let Me Perish by Drowning in Emerald Blossoms of Jade Vine

They sometimes sell these brilliant blue orchids at hardware stores. They’re obviously pigmented. I utterly dislike them, I think they look somewhat creepy.

I had the same feeling when entering the tropical display at Botanical Garden of Basel University. Though at first my glasses were fogging. While cleaning them my myopic eyes were captured by something that looked like emerald/ turquoise florescences hanging from the roof. I was slightly irritated until I put on my glasses. Then my irritation grew. But then I figured: with 1st of April coming up this certainly is a gardener’s prank.

Meanwhile I know better. What I saw was Jade Vine, also called Emerald Creeper. It’s a liana native of the tropical forrests of the Philipines. The flowers color is almost unique in the whole wide world. In the wild, the Jade Vine is considered vulnerable to extinction due to extensive deforestation.

jadewein tryptichon1

I picked some withered blossoms up from the ground which was covered by hundreds of them. They’re perfect and look, what great patterns they make when playing around to arrange them!

jadewein tryptichon2

Please let me perish by drowning in these shapes and colors! I’m in love! I need to go there twice to take pictures that  match the textile patterns that are already spooking through the creative parts of my brain. This is definitely going to be one of the silk scarf designs for my next collection.

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