22. April 2013 | ZAFRÁN@Edu’s Coffee & Clothes
I’m happy to announce that part of my collection is available at Edu’s Coffee & Clothing in Biel. Yvan Ghazarian and Mark Fuhrer are the owners and they decided they wanted to sell the Secret Message Scarves in their beautiful shop.
Since a friend of ours acted as a kind of go-between, we didn’t know each other personally. So I naturally delivered the first order myself.
Good decision! I had a delicious coffee, a nice talk with Yvan and on top of it I found THE t-shirt that goes with practiacally all my scarves. Perfect day!
Edu’s is a lovely one-stop destination for shopping and hanging out. But see for yourself.
So here’s my short trip adviser for sunny days. Take the train to Biel via Delémont. The tracks run along the river Birs for quite a while. It’s a lovely scenery.
Stroll through Biel’s old district and then take your break for coffee and a little crazy shopping at Edu’s. Afterwards head directly for the lake. I’m sure Yvan and Mark will kindly tell you the way. Chill at the waterside watching swans collectively taking off and landing on the water. Finally get on a boat and enjoy the rest of the day on board.
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3. April 2013 | Please Let Me Perish by Drowning in Emerald Blossoms of Jade Vine
They sometimes sell these brilliant blue orchids at hardware stores. They’re obviously pigmented. I utterly dislike them, I think they look somewhat creepy.
I had the same feeling when entering the tropical display at Botanical Garden of Basel University. Though at first my glasses were fogging. While cleaning them my myopic eyes were captured by something that looked like emerald/ turquoise florescences hanging from the roof. I was slightly irritated until I put on my glasses. Then my irritation grew. But then I figured: with 1st of April coming up this certainly is a gardener’s prank.
Meanwhile I know better. What I saw was Jade Vine, also called Emerald Creeper. It’s a liana native of the tropical forrests of the Philipines. The flowers color is almost unique in the whole wide world. In the wild, the Jade Vine is considered vulnerable to extinction due to extensive deforestation.
I picked some withered blossoms up from the ground which was covered by hundreds of them. They’re perfect and look, what great patterns they make when playing around to arrange them!
Please let me perish by drowning in these shapes and colors! I’m in love! I need to go there twice to take pictures that match the textile patterns that are already spooking through the creative parts of my brain. This is definitely going to be one of the silk scarf designs for my next collection.
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27. March 2013 | Spring Sale. Get 10% Off when shopping from ZAFRÁN@Etsy
This is it! I’ve finally had enough of snow and winter. I’m offically starting Springtime NOW with a sale in my Etsy Shop. The Promotion will not be over till spring is here for good. According to weather forecasts this should be in about two weaks from now. If not the promotion continues!
And this is how it works. After shopping at my Etsy Shop go to Checkout. There you’ll see a button saying “Apply shop coupon code”. Click on it and fill in the blank
Then click on “Apply” and proceed checkout. Voilà! BTW Shipping is free too! Here’s an article on Etsy Help leading you through the entire process including sreen shots.
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2. November 2012 | ZAFRÁN for Kunstbetrieb Münchenstein/ Andro Wekua
I’m offically a part of art now
In collaboration with the commissioning artists, «Kunstbetrieb» assumes full responsibility for the complex realization of contemporary art. They realize artistic visions in various natural or synthetic materials (plaster, rubber, metal, hard or soft foam, Styrofoam, polyester, wax, wood) that are then exhibited in galleries all over the world. They are spezialized in all kinds of 3D materials, but textile print and sublimation print in particular is not their profession. But it is very much my profession!
Thank you so much internet! You led them my way and was asked to print this tee for them. It features a collage by the artist Andro Wekua. He makes these stunning sculptures which he used to dress in plain white t-shirts. This one is the first patterned one. Also check out the other projects of Kunstbetrieb, it’s extremely interesting. BTW this sculpture is now in in New York.
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